The Great Transition From One Humanity to Another
Pioneers of the Heavenly Way
A Candlestick All of Gold
A Final Shaking & Deliverance in a Day of Judgment
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Because of the Blood of the Lamb
"But Ye..." & Responsibility for What We Have
Day by Day with T. Austin-Sparks
Abounding in Love & "I Have Loved Thee"
All Things In the Person of Christ
An Apostle's Supreme Ambition
An Appeal & At the Crossroads
Attaining to God's Full Thought
Attaining Unto the First Three
Bethany - The Lord's Thought for His Assembly
Blessedness of the Unoffended
Called. Chosen. Faithful &
God's Faithfulness to Us in His Son
Captivity In the Lord &
Prison - Vision - Provision
Christ and His Bride &
The Coming of the Crowning Day
Christ in Heaven and Christ Within
Book Ministry
P.O. Box 214
Syracuse, NY 13214 /
Revelation 3:18 "I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire,
that you may become rich..."
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