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"This ministry is maintained by the Lord through the stewardship of those who value it." 
(from "A Witness and A Testimony").
T. Austin-Sparks
A personal word from your host at Book Ministry:

The following messages I have selected originally were published on GeorgeAnn Hughes' ByteShow website. 
Each selection is an interview program, and lasts approximately 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Be prepared for some 
serious Bible study. Enjoy!

2 Timothy 2:15 (New American Standard Bible (NASB))

"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman 
who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth." 
Watchman Nee
The following are readings of 
Watchman Nee's 
"The Cross of Christ 
in the 
Christian Life."
Also available as Windows Media Files (wma):
This message's recommendation: 

"Ernie Hile is has been a key speaker at Harvey Cedars along with Stephen Kaung and Dana Congdon for many years.
Wonderful message!

Doug Riggs, Pastor
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Welcome Friends of Book Ministry !!!
Maj. Ian Thomas
A personal word about Maj. Thomas

   I looked to see the autograph Maj. Thomas wrote in my Bible. It was a very momentous time in my life, a significant passage in my spiritual journey. 

   It apparently was November 1981, a date I jotted down next to his message, "All of Christ in all of you! W. Ian Thomas, Rom. 8.10“ a treasured message from a precious spiritual father. I had asked him to sign my Bible at the end of a week-long conference he held in Springfield, Arkansas. There were four of us from my church that took the drive from Tulsa each evening to hear this awesome Bible teacher from England, an evangelist, not to unbelievers, but to believers. 
                            Having been a Christian for years, the message I heard that week changed my life forever, and I can testify to this day, I continue to be in the benefit of that week. I was enlightened for the first time what it really meant to be a Christian. It wasn't about getting saved and getting man off Earth into Heaven, but 
getting God out of Heaven into man ... into me!

    This conference, along with one of his incredible books, The Saving Life of Christ, was what I needed to begin my journey in possessing my inheritance, not fire insurance for the sweet by-and-by, but discovering the on-high calling of God in Christ. 

    Savor each message  every word. The time you invest in listening to these messages by Maj. Thomas will net a far greater return than you could ever imagine. Enjoy!
-----------------           Major Ian Thomas - 1986 Prairie Series           -----------------
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Revelation 3:18 "I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire, 
that you may become rich..."
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For Kids

Dr. Lutzer, Senior Pastor, Moody Bible Church for 35 years, gave this message at First Moore Baptist Church in Moore, Oklahoma. He opened with some home-spun humor and a quite impressive imitation of Dr. Billy Graham. In time he got to his message, a wake-up call to the Church in America and a call to repentance.
 Link to mp3

A treasure trove of recorded messages by: 
Art Katz; T. Austin-Sparks; A. W.Tozer; Leonard Revenhill; 
David Wilkerson; Corrie Ten Boom; Major Ian Thomas 
(to name a few).
Book Ministry
 P.O. Box 241
Syracuse, NY 13214
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Book Ministry Audio Books 

Due to the need for the visually impaired to be able to receive spiritual ministry, Book Ministry 
is now in the process of producing audio versions of the best of the best. 

Visit our YouTube Playlist for more audios
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